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                                Morgana Le Fayoes Here
LorMorgana is one of the greatest of all Faery Queens. She is a seductive shape-shifter, able to be whatever she desires. She soars the night on raven wings, landing silently in your dreams to work her dark enchantments. Well versed in star-craft and arcane healing powers, she is the mistress of the mystical arts of sexuality and high magic. Hers is a complex nature, neither totally beneficent or malign. Her faults are anger and resentment, and, true to faery nature, using her cunning arts against those who offend her. It is her necessary role to be found at the crux of the drama in our lives, working toward wisdom and healing in dramatic, difficult events. The disturbing influence of this dark queen can lead to profound change. Morgana is an enchantress who works her magic at the deepest levels- in the dark, secret, hidden places of our minds. She intiates us into mystic realms of creative imagination where all that is not yet manifest begins the journey into light and form.
Subheading         Morgana Le FayHere
Lo  Celtic Death-goddess: Morgan the Fate or Fata Morgana or the Triple Morrigan or Morgue la Faye. Sometimes she was a Ninefold Goddess, the Nine Sisters called Morgan ruling the Fortunate Isles in the far west, where dead heroes went. Sometimes she or they became mermaids. Morgans or "sea-women" could "draw down to there palaces of gold and crystal at the bottom of the sea or of ponds, those who venture imprudently too near the water.

        Like Macha, the Crone aspect of the Morrigan, Morgan as Mother Death cast the destroying curse on every man. Even Arthurian romances which represent her as a human being, Arthur's sister, inconsistently admitted: "Morgan the Goddess is her name, and there is never a man so high and proud but she can humble and tame him".

         Sometimes she kindly promised immortality to her favored lovers, like Ogier the Dane, who accompanied her to her parade. As the Morrigan, she stage-managed the contest between Cu Chulainn and a giant named Terrible. She presided  over Cu Chulainn's killing of his springtime rival, in a tale based on the Celtic legend of Gawain and the Green Knight.

           Morgan sat at the head of the table in the Green Knight's castle, presiding over the death and resurrection of the rival year-gods as they beheaded one another in their proper seasons. Gawain was obviously a solar hero, his strength waxing in the morning and waning in the afternoon, he was one of the four brothers representing the four solar seasons. The Green Knight was his perpetual antagonist. Like Njord and Frey, Horus and Set, Gwynn ap Nudd and Gwythyr son of Greidawl, they rose again and killed each other at the turning of the year. Gawain bore Morgan's pentacle as a heraldic device on his blood-red shield. He and his rival seem to have  established the ceremony of knighthood, a symbolic decapitation, which formerly transformed a victim into a god at the year's end.

         Late romances deprived Morgan of her divinity and made her human, just as the Great Goddess Mari became a mortal virgin Mary. Morgan became Arthur's sister, yet "a great clerk of necromancy", a prototypical witch. She received a fictitious husband, King Uriens or Gore, probably a corrupt form of the classic castrated heaven-god Uranus. Her name was applied to anything magical, miraculous or misleading, as the Fata Morgana. An old word for witches' spells, glamor, came from Glamorgan, the Goddess's sacred territory in Wales.

           Morgan's mysterious Fortunate Isles continued to appear in Irish folklore up to the present time. It was claimed that off the coast of Galway nine islands rose out of the sea every seven years; but if anyone tried to reach them by boat, they would vanish.



Subheading MorriganHere
                  The Triple Goddess Morgan in Ireland: the Ana, flowering fertility-goddess, the mother Babd, "Boiling," the cauldron perpetually producing life; and the drone Macha, "the Great Queen of Phantoms," or Mother Death. Sometimes she was Mugain, the ruling Goddess of Munster.

             Like Hecate the Triple Moon Goddess, Macha sometimes stood for all three personae. Queens of Ulster governed her shrine, Emain Macha or  Macha's Emania land of the moon. She laid the death curse on on Cu Chulainn, and haunted the battlefields, making magic with the blood of slain men. In the form of the raven she emerged from her fairy-mound and perched on a standing stone, singing of her Mysteries: "I have a secret that you shall learn. The grasses wave. The flowers glow golden. The goddesses three low kine. The raven Morrigan herself is wild for blood."

       *** All but the first "Faery Queen" are taken from Barbara Walker's - "The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets."


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